
This is a version of the IEEE-39 bus test case as described by Nishikawa et al. 2015. The model, denoted the "effective network", consists of the ten generator buses in the network with all other buses eliminated by the classical Kron reduction. The power flow is described in steady state by a fixed point of the nonlinear swing equations

\[\begin{align} \frac{2H_i}{\omega_\mathrm{R}} \ddot{\delta}_i + \frac{D_i}{\omega_\mathrm{R}} \dot{\delta}_i = A_{i}^\mathrm{EN} - \sum_{j =1, j\neq i}^{n_g} K_{ij}\sin\left(\delta_i - \delta_j -\gamma_{ij}^\mathrm{EN}\right), \end{align}\]

where we define each of the following:

  • the angular reference frequency (in radians) about which the steady state synchronizes is defined as $\omega_\mathrm{R}$;
  • the angle of rotation of the generator rotor at bus $i$, relative to the frame rotating at the reference frequency, is defined as $\delta_i(t)$;
  • the difference between the reference frequency and the frequency of the rotor at bus $i$ is defined $\dot{\delta}_i(t)$;
  • the rate of acceleration of the difference between the angle of the rotor at bus $i$ and the frame rotating at the reference frequency is defined as $\ddot{\delta}_i(t)$;
  • the values of the inertia and damping at bus $i$ are defined as $H_i$ and $D_i$ respectively;
  • the strength of the dynamical coupling of the buses $i$ and $j$ is defined as $K_{ij}$, while $\gamma_{ij}$ represents the phase shift involved in the coupling of these buses;
  • the active power injected into the network by the generator at bus $i$ is represented by $A^\mathrm{EN}_i$; and
  • the number of generators in the network is defined as $n_g =10$.

This model assumes constant, passive loads at each bus that draws power. The actual parameters used in the model are defined by files in the


directory, taken from the configuration studied by Nishikawa et al. 2015, with details on their interpretation in section 4.1.

The stochastic form in this code loosens the assumption of constant loads in this model by assuming that, at the time scale of interest, the draw of power fluctuates randomly about the constant level that defines the steady state. We introduce a Wiener process to the above equations of the form $s W_i(t)$, where $s$ is a parameter in the model controlling the relative diffusion level. We assume that the fluctuations in the net power are uncorrelated across buses and that the diffusion in all buses is proportional to $s$.

Making a change of variables $\psi_i = \dot{\delta}_i$, we recover the system of nonlinear SDEs,

\[\begin{align} \dot{\delta}_i = \psi_i, \end{align}\]

\[\begin{align} \dot{\psi}_i = \frac{A^\mathrm{EN}_i \omega_\mathrm{R}}{2H_i} - \frac{D_i}{2H_i} \psi_i - \sum_{j=1,j\neq i}^{n_g} \frac{K_{ij}^\mathrm{EN}\omega_\mathrm{R}}{2H_i} \sin\left(\delta_i - \delta_j -\gamma_{ij}^\mathrm{EN}\right) + \frac{ s \omega_R}{2 H_i} \mathrm{d}W_i(t). \end{align}\]

The diffusion level $s$ controls the standard deviation of the Gaussian process

\[\begin{align} \frac{s \omega_R}{2H_i} W_{i,\Delta_t}\doteq \frac{s \omega_R}{2H_i}\left(W_i(\Delta + t) - W_i(t)\right). \end{align}\]

By definition the standard deviation of $W_{i,\Delta_t}$ is equal to $\sqrt{\Delta}$ so that for each time-discretization of the Wiener process of step size $\Delta$, $\frac{s \omega_R}{2 H_i}W_{i,\Delta_t}$ is a mean zero, Gaussian distributed variable with standard deviation $\frac{s \omega_\mathrm{R}}{2}\sqrt{\Delta}$. The reference frequency in North America is 60 Hz, and the tolerable deviation from this frequency under normal operations is approximately $\pm 0.05$ Hz, or of magnitude approximately $0.08\%$. In the above model, the reference frequency is in radians, related to the reference frequency in Hz as $\omega_\mathrm{R} = 60 \mathrm{Hz} \times 2 \pi \approx 376.99$. This makes the tolerable limit of perturbations to the frequency approximately $0.3$ radians under normal operations.

By definition $\psi_i$ is the $i$-th frequency relative to the reference frequency $\omega_\mathrm{R}$. One should choose $s$ sufficiently small such that the probability that the size of a perturbation to the frequency

\[\begin{align} \parallel \frac{s \omega_\mathrm{R}}{2 H_i}\mathbf{W}_{\Delta_t} \parallel\geq 0.3 \end{align}\]

is small. Simulating the model numerically with the four-stage, stochastic Runge-Kutta algorithm DataAssimilationBenchmarks.DeSolvers.rk4_step! a step size of $\Delta=0.01$ is recommended, so that the standard deviation of a perturbation to the $i$-th relative frequency $\psi_i$ at any time step is $\frac{s \omega_\mathrm{R}}{20 H_i}$. The smallest inertia parameter in the model is approximately $24.3$, so that three standard deviations of the perturbation to the frequency is bounded as

\[\begin{align} \frac{s\omega_\mathrm{R}}{20 \times 24.3} \times 3 \leq 0.03 \Leftrightarrow s \leq\frac{4.86}{\omega_\mathrm{R}} \approx 0.0129. \end{align}\]

For $s \leq 0.012$, we bound the standard deviation of each component, $\frac{s \omega_\mathrm{R}}{2H_i}\sqrt{\Delta}$, of the perturbation vector by $0.01$ so that over $99.7\%$ of perturbations to the $i$-th frequency have size less than $0.03$.


dx_dt(x::VecA(T), t::Float64, dx_params::ParamDict(T)) where T <: Real

Time derivative of the phase and fequency of the effective-network swing equation model. Input x is a 2 n_g VecA of the phase and fequency at each of the n_g generator buses. The input dx_params of type ParamDict containing system parameters to be passed to the integration scheme. The system is currenty defined autonomously to be run as an SDE, noise perturbed steady state.