Introduction to Statistics

STAT 152 – Section 1002
Instructor: Colin Grudzien
TA: Bo Lui

Class Information:

Class times: Spring 2020 – TuThr 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM

Class room: AB 102

Discussion room: AB 202

TA office hours: Tu 16:00 - 17:00, Friday, up to additional hour of questions after discussions

Final exam: Tuesday May 12, 9:50 - 11:50 AM

Instructor information:

Contact Office Hours
DMSC 218 Tu 12:00 - 1:30, We 15:30 - 17:00,
  1. 784-7554
or by appointment

Help & Questions

Students can see the instructor without appointment during office hours. Outside of office hours, the best way to contact the instructor is via email. Emails received before 16:00 during business days will usually get a response the same day. Emails received after 16:00 or during the weekend are not guaranteed a same-day response. Longer questions will not be answered by email and will be directed to appointments or office hours.

Course description

This course provides an introduction to the theory and practice of probability and statistics emphasizing their language, essential ideas, and concepts. We will discuss the foundations of probability theory, basic description statistics, graphical representation of data, point and interval estimation, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression analyses. A statistical package StatCrunch will be used to illustrate the concepts discussed in class using real data sets.

Catalog description

This course provides an introduction to the theory and practice of probability and statistics emphasizing their language, essential ideas, and concepts. We will discuss the foundations of probability theory, basic description statistics, graphical representation of data, point and interval estimation, hypothesis testing, correlation, and regression analyses. A statistical package StatCrunch will be used to illustrate the concepts discussed in class using real data sets.


ACT score of 27 or SAT score of 610 or revised SAT score of 630 or MATH 126 with a “C-” or better. Credit may not be received for STAT 152 if credit has already been awarded for STAT 352 and above.

Course Access

Required book

Essentials of Statistics (6th Edition) by Mario F. Triola. Hard copy of textbook in optional, but the access code is required for this class

Electronic resources

Web Campus

Students are responsible for checking their email accounts and Web Campus for announcements. Students are assumed to be aware of all information posted to these sources prior to each meeting. Announcements, homework and grades will be posted in Web Campus.

Statistical software

We will be using StatCrunch, a statistical software bundled with the text in Pearson’s MyStatLab. Notice that the book includes data instructions and displays for data analysis from StatCrunch, Excel, MINITAB and TI-83/84 Plus calculators


A calculator that can add, subtract, multiply, and divide is required for the course. However, note that we will not use any statistical or graphical calculator features on exams and quizzes.

Course archive page

This page includes an up-to-date course schedule and archived lectures from the class.

Student learning outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. compute descriptive statistics and probabilities from data, using the application of correct statistical notation and language, as well as clearly explaining the reasoning they applied;

  2. choose and apply an appropriate statistical analysis or modeling methods to solve problems arising in different research fields; and

  3. critically read and interpret a wide range of information from a variety of disciplines.

Assignments and grading


Homework is due on Tuesdays at 23:59 on course material covered in the previous week. For example, week 1 homework assignments are due on Tuesday, Januay 28th at 23:59 pm. The TA will help students. All homework assignments are to be completed online via MyStatLab.


There will be three midterms scheduled tentatively on:

  1. Thursday, February 27,
  2. Thursday, April 02, and
  3. Thursday, April 16.

There will be a review session before each midterm.


Quizzes (pen and paper) will be given during recitation sessions administered by the TA. Generally, material for the quizzes will cover the previous week’s lecture/homework material.


A comprehensive final exam will be given on Tuesday, May 12, 9:50 - 11:50. Exam policy (for midterms and final): Closed books, closed notes. A calculator is required on exams.

Final grades

Final grades will be calculated according to the scores from attendance, homework, midterms, and the project, each weighted as follows:

Category Percent of final grade
Homework assignments \(15\%\)
Midterm 1 \(15\%\)
Midterm 2 \(15\%\)
Midterm 3 \(15\%\)
Discussion section quizzes \(15\%\)
Final exam \(25\%\)

The final letter grade will be assigned according to the weighted score as in the following table:

Weighted score \(x\) Final letter grade
\(93\% \leq x \leq 100\%\) A
\(90\% \leq x < 93\%\) A-
\(83\% \leq x < 90\%\) B
\(80\% \leq x < 90\%\) B-
\(73\% \leq x < 80\%\) C
\(70\% \leq x < 73\%\) C-
\(67\% \leq x < 70\%\) D+
\(60\% \leq x < 67\%\) D
\(0 \% \leq x < 60\%\) F

Important dates

Please see the UNR Academic Calendar for important dates in the semester.

Late policy and exceptions

There are no makeups for quizzes, exams or homework except for university recognized activities or exceptional circumstances, as per university policy. A midterm score can be replaced with the final exam score only once and only for a documented legitimate reason (doctor’s note, University activity, religious observance etc.). If a student needs to miss class due to participation in official university activities or a religious observance, they must make arrangements with the instructor at least one week prior to the date in question – the absence will not be given consideration without this advanced notice. In cases of absences due to extended illness, family emergency, bereavement, or other compelling reason, students should notify the instructor as soon as possible and within one week of the start of the absence. The instructor has the right to request formal, written documentation in such cases as they deem appropriate. Please see the full policy statement on absences.

In any other circumstance, there will not be makeups for exams or homework. However, the three lowest lowest homework scores and three lowest quiz scores will be dropped for each student to accommodate unexpected circumstances.

Extra credit

No extra work will be given to earn extra points at any point during the semester. Do not email the instructor to request for extra work for extra credit.

Diversity statement

The University of Nevada, Reno is committed to providing a safe learning and work environment for all. Students are expected to treat each other and the instructor with respect. No form of harassment, discrimination or bullying will be tolerated. If you believe you have experienced discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic/dating violence, or stalking, whether on or off campus, or need information related to immigration concerns, please contact the University’s Equal Opportunity & Title IX Office at (775) 784-1547. Resources and interim measures are available to assist you. For more information, please visit the Title IX website for UNR

Disability services

Any student with a disability needing academic adjustments or accommodations is requested to speak with the Disability Resource Center (Pennington Student Achievement Center, Suite 230) as soon as possible to arrange for appropriate accommodations. More information can be found at the DRC website.

Academic conduct

No laptops, cell phones, mp3 players, or other electronics are to be used for personal reasons in class. If you are being disruptive during class you will be asked to leave. Disruptions in this context include inadequate participation. Please see our official Student Code of Conduct.

Academic success services

A common habit among successful students is to seek help outside of the classroom. Your student fees cover use of the Math Center (784-4433), Tutoring Center (784-6801), and University Writing Center (784-6030). These centers support your classroom learning; it is your responsibility to take advantage of their services.

Statement on Audio and Video Recording

Surreptitious or covert video-taping of class or unauthorized audio recording of class is prohibited by law and by Board of Regents policy. This class may be videotaped or audio recorded only with the written permission of the instructor. In order to accommodate students with disabilities, some students may be given permission to record class lectures and discussions. Therefore, students should understand that their comments during class may be recorded.

Academic dishonesty

Cheating, plagiarism, or otherwise obtaining grades under false pretenses constitutes academic dishonesty according to the code of this university. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and penalties can include canceling a students enrollment without a grade or giving an F for the assignment or for the entire course. For more details, see the University of Nevada, Reno general catalog. The University Academic Standards Policy defines academic dishonesty, and mandates specific sanctions for violations. See the University Academic Standards policy: UAM 6,502.