Midterm 3 Study guide


The midterm will be available on Thursday April 23 from 12:00 AM until 11:59 PM. You may take the midterm at any time during this period in Canvas, but you will only have 75 minutes to complete this once it begins. The midterm will be a total of \(13\) questions long giving approximately \(5\frac{3}{4}\) minutes to spend per question. The midterm will cover the content from the book sections:

There will be an emphasis on the following topics:

Suggested problems

In Pearson, there is an online miderm 3 review – this is not scored for the final grade, and you can ignore problems that do not come from the above sections or topics.

In the textbook, you are recommended to study chapter review problems that emphasize the above topics.

In the lectures, you are recommended to study all discussion questions and examples that emphasize the above topics.

You are recommended to review all quiz questions.


Because there is no partial credit, the midterm has a built in curve. The exam is graded out of 20 points, with 13 questions each worth 1.6 points. This means that
Number of questions incorrect Percent score
0 104%
1 96%
2 88%
3 80%
4 72%
5 64%
6 56%
7 48%
8 40%
9 32%
10 24%
11 16%
12 8%
13 0%