Total Probability, Independence and Bayes' theorem



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  • The following topics will be covered in this lecture:

    • Multiplication Rule
    • Total Probability Rule
    • Independence
    • Bayes' theorem

Intersections of Events and Multiplication Rule

  • Recall that last time we discussed the probability of the intersection of two events.
  • Let us suppose that \( A \) and \( B \) are events for which \( P(A)\neq 0 \) and \( P(B)\neq 0 \).
  • Using the definition of conditional probability \[ P(B|A)=\frac{P(A\cap B)}{P(A)} \]
  • We can solve for the intersection of events \[ P(A \cap B) = P(B\vert A) P(A) \]
  • Similarly, from the same definition of conditional probability we have \[ P(A|B)=\frac{P(A\cap B)}{P(B)} \]
  • which implies that \[ P(A \cap B) = P(A\vert B) P(B) \]
  • We can provide a formula known as the multiplication rule
    Probability of an Intersection: \[ P(A \cap B) = P(B\vert A) P(A) = P(A\vert B) P(B) \]

Intersections of Events – example

  • EXAMPLE: The probability that the first stage of a numerically controlled machining operation for high-rpm pistons meets specifications is 0.90.

  • Failures are due to metal variations, fixture alignment, cutting blade condition, vibration, and ambient environmental conditions.

  • Given that the first stage meets specifications, the probability that a second stage of machining meets specifications is 0.95.

  • Question: Using the multiplication rule,

    \[ P(A \cap B) = P(B\vert A) P(A) = P(A\vert B) P(B) \] what is the probability that both stages meet specifications?

    • Let the events be \( A= \)"first stage meets specifications" and \( B= \)"second stage meets specifications".
    • The probability requested is \( P(A \text{ and }B) \)
    • where \( P(A)=0.90 \)
    • and \( P(B|A)=0.95 \)
    • Using the multiplication rule, we get \[ \begin{align} P(A \cap B) &= P(B\vert A) P(A) \\ &= 0.95(0.90) = 0.855 \end{align} \]
    • Note: although it is also true that \( P(A \cap B) = P(A | B)P(B) \), the information provided in the problem does not match this second formulation.

Total Probability Rule

  • So far we have described probabilities of events in terms of the probabilities of union or intersections of events, i.e.:
    • Addition rule: \( P(A\cup B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A\cap B) \);
    • Conditional probability: \( P(A\vert B) = \frac{P(A\cap B)}{P(B)} \); and the
    • Multiplication rule: \( P(A\cap B) = P(A\vert B)P(B) \).
  • What if we want to recover the probability of single event \( P(B) \) given several conditions?
Partitioning an event into two mutually exclusive subsets

Courtesy of Montgomery & Runger, Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, 7th edition

  • For any event \( B \), we can write \( B \) as the union of the part of \( B \) in \( A \) and the part of \( B \) in \( A′ \). That is \[ B=(A\cap B)\cup(A'\cap B) \]
  • Because \( A \) and \( A′ \) are mutually exclusive
    • \( A \cap B \) and \( A' \cap B \) are mutually exclusive
  • So we can use the addition rule for mutually exclusive events as \[ \begin{align} P(B)&=P((A\cap B)\cup(A'\cap B))\\ &=P(A\cap B)+P(A'\cap B)\end{align} \]
  • Using the multiplication rule on each term of \( P(B) \) we get \[ P(B)=P(B|A)P(A)+P(B|A')P(A') \]
  • Total Probability Rule (Two Events) For any two events \( A \) and \( B \)
  • \[ \begin{align} P(B)=P(B\cap A)+P(B\cap A')=P(B|A)P(A)+P(B|A')P(A') \end{align} \]

Total Probability Rule – example

chip contamination example

Courtesy of Montgomery & Runger, Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, 7th edition

  • Suppose that in semiconductor manufacturing, the probability is 0.10 that a chip subjected to high levels of contamination during manufacturing has a product failure.
  • The probability is 0.005 that a chip not subjected to high contamination levels during manufacturing has a product failure.
  • In a particular production run, 20% of the chips are subject to high levels of contamination.
  • Question: using the total probability rule \[ \begin{align} P(B)=P(B\cap A)+P(B\cap A')=P(B|A)P(A)+P(B|A')P(A'), \end{align} \]
  • what is the total probability of a chip failure?
  • Lets denote the events be \( F= \)"product fails" and \( H= \)"chip is exposed to high levels of contamination".
  • From the table we can extract some pieces of information
    • \( P(H)=0.2 \) and \( P(H')=0.8 \)
    • \( P(F|H)=0.10 \) and \( P(F|H')=0.005 \)
  • We can use the total probability rule on \( P(F) \) in terms of conditional probabilities \[ P(F)=P(F|H)P(H)+P(F|H')P(H') \]
  • Then the probability that a product fails is \[ P(F)=0.10(0.20)+0.005(0.80)=0.024 \]

Total Probability Rule (Multiple Events)

Partitioning an event into several mutually exclusive subsets

Courtesy of Montgomery & Runger, Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, 7th edition

  • In general, a collection of sets \( E_1, E_2, \dots , E_k \) such that \[ E_1 \cup E_2 \cup \dots \cup E_k = S \] is said to be exhaustive.
  • The left figure pictures a partitioning an event \( B \) among a collection of mutually exclusive and exhaustive events.
  • We can generalize the total probability rule for multiple events.
  • We will repeatedly apply the addition rule for mutually exclusive events \[ \begin{align} A \cap B = \emptyset &&\Rightarrow && P(A\cup B) = P(A) + P(B). \end{align} \]
  • Then we will repeatedly apply the multiplication rule on the intersections, \[ \begin{align} P(A\cap B) = P(A\vert B) P(B) \end{align} \]
  • Total Probability Rule (Multiple Events) Assume \( E_1, E_2, \dots , E_k \) are \( k \) mutually exclusive and exhaustive sets. Then
    \[ \begin{align} P(B)&=P(B\cap E_1)+P(B\cap E_2)+\dots+P(B\cap E_k)\\ &=P(B|E_1)P(E_1)+P(B|E_2)P(E_2)+\dots+P(B|E_k)P(E_k) \end{align} \]
  • Independence

    • Closely related notions to the conditional probability are independence and dependence of events.
      • Dependence – two events are said to be dependent if the outcome of one event directly affects the probability of the other.
        • In the earlier example, \( A= \)"snow in the Sierra" and \( B= \)"rain in my garden" are dependent events, because one occurring would affect the chance the other occurred.
        • However, dependence between events \( A \) and \( B \) does not mean that \( A \) causes \( B \) or vice versa.
        • Rain in my garden does not cause snow in the Sierra, but the probability of snow in the Sierra is larger if there is rain in my garden.
      • Independence – two events are said to be independent if the outcome of either event has no impact on the probability of the other.
        • When we think of events being independent we should think of events that are not related to each other
        • For example, if our random experiment is “what happens today?”, \( A= \)"snow in the Sierra" and \( B= \)"coin flip heads" are independent, because neither outcome affects the other.
    • Mathematically, we can see the meaning of independence clearly by stating, \( A \) and \( B \) are independent by definition if and only if both of the following hold, \[ \begin{matrix} P(A\vert B) = P(A) & \text{and} & P(B\vert A) = P(B). \end{matrix} \]
    • In plain English, the above says
      The probability of event \( A \) does not change in the presence of \( B \) and vice versa.
    • Particularly, the outcome of \( A \) or \( B \) does not affect the other.

    Redundancy and the multiplication rule

    • Machine systems in engineering are often designed with multiple, redundant safety features.
    • Particularly, if there are multiple, independent safety checks, we can reduce the probability of a catastrophic failure substantially.
    • EXAMPLE: the Airbus 310 twin-engine airliner has three independent hydraulic systems so that if one fails, another system can step in and maintain flight control.
    • For sake of example, we will assume that the probability of a randomly selected hydraulic system failing is \( 0.002 \).
    • Question: if the airplane had only one hydraulic system, what would be the probability that an airplane would be able to maintain control for the flight?
      • Let event \( A= \)"hydraulic system fails" so that \( A'= \)"airplane maintains control".
      • We can then state, \[ P(A') = 1 - P(A) = 1 - 0.002 = 0.998. \]
    • Question: what is the probability that an airplane would be able to maintain control with the three independent hydraulic systems?
      • Let us denote \( A_1= \)"hydraulic system \( 1 \) fails", \( A_2= \)"hydraulic system \( 2 \) fails" and \( A_3= \)"hydraulic system \( 3 \) fails".
      • The event where all hydraulic systems fail is given by, \[ \left(A_1\text{ and } A_2\text{ and } A_3\right) \] so that the airplane is able to maintain control in the complement of the above event: \[ \left(A_1\text{ and } A_2\text{ and } A_3\right)'. \]

    Redundancy and the multiplication rule continued

    • We recall, the probability that a randomly selected hydraulic system fails is \( 0.002 \) and the three systems are independent.
    • Therefore, we can use the multiplication rule as, \[ \begin{align} P\left(A_1\text{ and } A_2\text{ and } A_3\right) &= P(A_1\text{ and } A_2\vert A_3) \times P(A_3)\\ &=P(A_1\text{ and } A_2) \times P(A_3) \\ &= P(A_1 \vert A_2) \times P(A_2) \times P(A_3) \\ & = P(A_1)\times P(A_2) \times P(A_3) \end{align} \] because each of the events are independent.
    • Finally, we can write, \[ P\left(\left(A_1\text{ and } A_2\text{ and } A_3\right)'\right) = 1 - P(A_1)\times P(A_2) \times P(A_3)= 1-0.002^3=0.999999998 \]
    • This shows how including multiple independent systems greatly improves the probability of success.

    Another way of writing independence

    • What we saw in the last slide, \[ P(A_1 \text{ and } A_2 \text{ and } A_3) = P(A_1) \times P(A_2) \times P(A_3) \] actually holds generally for independent events.
    • Let’s suppose that \( A \) and \( B \) are independent events such that \[ \begin{align} P(A\vert B) = P(A) && P(B\vert A) = P(B). \end{align} \]
    • Consider the multiplication rule for the two independent events \( A \) and \( B \), \[ \begin{align} P( A \text { and } B) &= P(A \vert B) \times P(B) \\ &=P(A) \times P(B), \end{align} \] using the independence assumption.
    • In fact, we can show that this holds for any number of independent events, re-using the argument above.
    • Let \( A_1 \), \( A_2 \), \( A_3, \) \( \cdots \) \( A_n \) be any arbitrary list of mutually independent events.
    • Then using the argument above \( n \) times, we can show that, \[ P(A_1 \text{ and } \cdots \text{ and } A_n) = P(A_1) \times \cdots \times P(A_n). \]
    • The intuition of the following statement for independence \[ \begin{align} P(A\vert B) = P(A) && P(B\vert A) = P(B) \end{align} \] is usually easier to interpret,
    • however, in practice, we will usually describe independence as
      Independence (multiple events)
      The events \( A_1 , A_2 , ... , A_n \) are independent if and only if for any subset of these events \[ P(A_1 \cap \cdots \cap A_n) = P(A_1) \times \cdots \times P(A_n). \]
    • These two notions are in fact equivalent by the argument above.

    Review of key concepts

    • The most important concepts covered here are:
      • how to join events \( A \) and \( B \) with our two operations,
        1. \( A \) “or” \( B \) / \( A\cup B \) – the case that \( A \), \( B \) or both \( A \) and \( B \) occur; and
        2. \( A \) “and” \( B \) / \( A \cap B \) – the case that both \( A \) and \( B \) occur;
      • how to take complements of events, and how the probabilities are related, e.g., \[ P(A) + P\left(A'\right) = 1; \]
      • how to use the probability rules,
        1. Addition rule – for the event \( A \) or \( B \), \[ P(A\cup B)= P(A) + P(B) - P(A \cap B); \]
        2. Conditional probability – for the event \( A \) given \( B \), \[ P(A\vert B) = \frac{P(A\cap B)}{P(B)}; \]
        3. Multiplication rule – for the event \( A \) and \( B \), \[ P(A\cap B) = P(B\vert A) \times P(A); \]
      • the notion of independence between events \( A \) and \( B \), \[ \begin{align} P(A\vert B) = P(A) & & P(B\vert A) = P(B). \end{align} \]
      • and the product rule for mutually independent events:
        • let \( A_1 \), \( A_2 \), \( A_3, \) \( \cdots \) \( A_n \) be any arbitrary list of mutually independent events, then \[ P(A_1 \text{ and } \cdots \text{ and } A_n) = P(A_1) \times \cdots \times P(A_n). \]

    Bayes’ Theorem

    • Let us suppose that \( A \) and \( B \) are events for which \( P(A)\neq 0 \) and \( P(B)\neq 0 \).
    • Consider the statement of the multiplication rule, \[ P(A \cap B) = P(A\vert B) P(B); \]
    • yet it is also true that, \[ P(B \cap A) = P(B \vert A) P(A); \]
    • and \( P( A \cap B) = P(B \cap A) \) by definition.
    • Putting these statements together, we obtain, \[ \begin{align} &P(A\vert B) P(B) = P(B \vert A ) P(A)\\ \Leftrightarrow & P(A \vert B) = \frac{P(B\vert A) P(A)}{ P(B)} \end{align} \]
    • The statement that \[ P(A \vert B) = \frac{P(B\vert A) P(A)}{ P(B)} \] is known as Bayes' theorem for \( P(B)>0 \).
    • This is nothing more than re-writing the multiplication rule as discussed above, but the result is extremely powerful.
    • Bayes' theorem wasn’t widely used in statistics for hundreds of years, until advances in digital computers.
    • When digital computers became available, many tools became available using Bayes' theorem as the basis.