Identifiability and linear dependence



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  • The following topics will be covered in this lecture:
    • Multiple regression in R
    • Identifiability
    • Linear dependence

Multiple regression in R

  • We have now covered the basic theory that will structure the course.

  • We will now look at a concrete example of multiple regression from the Faraway package “gala” data set.

'data.frame':   30 obs. of  7 variables:
 $ Species  : num  58 31 3 25 2 18 24 10 8 2 ...
 $ Endemics : num  23 21 3 9 1 11 0 7 4 2 ...
 $ Area     : num  25.09 1.24 0.21 0.1 0.05 ...
 $ Elevation: num  346 109 114 46 77 119 93 168 71 112 ...
 $ Nearest  : num  0.6 0.6 2.8 1.9 1.9 8 6 34.1 0.4 2.6 ...
 $ Scruz    : num  0.6 26.3 58.7 47.4 1.9 ...
 $ Adjacent : num  1.84 572.33 0.78 0.18 903.82 ...
  • Q: how many observations n do we have in this data set, and what is the largest p number of parameters can we put into a model?

  • A: there are n=30 observations, and the largest number is p=6+1 parameters (including an intercept and minus one for the response).

Moving into multiple regression – an example

  • In this case, there are 30 islands in the Galápagos with 7 variables – each observation corresponds to a particular island:
 [1] "Baltra"       "Bartolome"    "Caldwell"     "Champion"     "Coamano"     
 [6] "Daphne.Major" "Daphne.Minor" "Darwin"       "Eden"         "Enderby"     
[11] "Espanola"     "Fernandina"   "Gardner1"     "Gardner2"     "Genovesa"    
[16] "Isabela"      "Marchena"     "Onslow"       "Pinta"        "Pinzon"      
[21] "Las.Plazas"   "Rabida"       "SanCristobal" "SanSalvador"  "SantaCruz"   
[26] "SantaFe"      "SantaMaria"   "Seymour"      "Tortuga"      "Wolf"        

A computational example – linear dependence

  • We will add a new column to the Gala data that is a linear combination of the existing columns
gala$Adiff <- gala$Area -gala$Adjacent
'data.frame':   30 obs. of  8 variables:
 $ Species  : num  58 31 3 25 2 18 24 10 8 2 ...
 $ Endemics : num  23 21 3 9 1 11 0 7 4 2 ...
 $ Area     : num  25.09 1.24 0.21 0.1 0.05 ...
 $ Elevation: num  346 109 114 46 77 119 93 168 71 112 ...
 $ Nearest  : num  0.6 0.6 2.8 1.9 1.9 8 6 34.1 0.4 2.6 ...
 $ Scruz    : num  0.6 26.3 58.7 47.4 1.9 ...
 $ Adjacent : num  1.84 572.33 0.78 0.18 903.82 ...
 $ Adiff    : num  23.25 -571.09 -0.57 -0.08 -903.77 ...

A computational example – linear dependence

  • Now if we try to fit the model based on these variables
lmod <- lm(Species ~ Area+Elevation+Nearest+Scruz+Adjacent +Adiff, gala)

Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
             Estimate Std. Error t value  Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)  7.068221  19.154198  0.3690 0.7153508
Area        -0.023938   0.022422 -1.0676 0.2963180
Elevation    0.319465   0.053663  5.9532 3.823e-06
Nearest      0.009144   1.054136  0.0087 0.9931506
Scruz       -0.240524   0.215402 -1.1166 0.2752082
Adjacent    -0.074805   0.017700 -4.2262 0.0002971

n = 30, p = 6, Residual SE = 60.97519, R-Squared = 0.77
  • The default behavior in the R language is to neglect any variables in the design matrix that are clearly linearly dependent to others.

  • Here, the Adiff variable, which is included last, has been neglected from the model.

A computational example – linear dependence

  • When there is actually linear dependence between the variables, it is possible to rectify this by methods of data compression, e.g. singular value decomposition, among other techniques.

  • What is more problematic is when the columns are very close to being dependent, and it isn't clear if this is due to noise.

Adiffe <- gala$Adiff+0.001*(runif(30)-0.5)
lmod <- lm(Species ~ Area+Elevation+Nearest+Scruz +Adjacent+Adiffe, gala)
               Estimate  Std. Error t value  Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept)  3.2964e+00  1.9434e+01  0.1696    0.8668
Area        -4.5123e+04  4.2583e+04 -1.0596    0.3003
Elevation    3.1302e-01  5.3870e-02  5.8107 6.398e-06
Nearest      3.8273e-01  1.1090e+00  0.3451    0.7331
Scruz       -2.6199e-01  2.1581e-01 -1.2140    0.2371
Adjacent     4.5123e+04  4.2583e+04  1.0596    0.3003
Adiffe       4.5123e+04  4.2583e+04  1.0596    0.3003

n = 30, p = 7, Residual SE = 60.81975, R-Squared = 0.78
  • Here it is possible to fit a model, but the standard error is extremely large.