Metropolis-Hastings Part II


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  • The following topics will be covered in this lecture:
    • Metropolis-Hastings and acceptance rejection
    • The Metropolis-Hastings chain
    • The Metropolis-Hastings candidate generating density
    • The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
    • Metropolis-Hastings as data assimilation


  • In the first part, we discussed the development of each of:

    1. the acceptance rejection method for sampling; and
    2. the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method for sampling an invariant distribution.
  • In this section, we will now discuss how these pieces are put together into the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.

  • Likewise, we will discuss how this can be used as a data assimilation technique to sample the posterior.

  • Particularly, the invariant distribution we would like to sample with this scheme is precisely

    \[ \begin{align} \pmb{\pi}(\pmb{x}_{L:0}) = p(\pmb{x}_{L:0}|\pmb{y}_{L:1}) \end{align} \] for an arbitrary time series of model and observation states.

  • Once we have given a form of the general Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, the application to this specific case will be illustrated.

Metropolis-Hastings and acceptance rejection

  • As in the acceptance-rejection method, suppose we have a density that can generate candidates.

  • Since we are dealing with Markov chains, however, we permit that density to depend on the current state of the process.

  • Accordingly, the candidate-generating density is denoted \( q(\pmb{x}, \pmb{y}) \), where

    \[ \begin{align} \int q(\pmb{x},\pmb{y}) \mathrm{d} \pmb{y} = 1. \end{align} \]

  • This density is to be interpreted as, when a process is at the point \( \pmb{x} \),

    • the density generates a value \( \pmb{y} \) from \( q(\pmb{x}, \pmb{y}) \).
  • If it happens that \( q(\pmb{x}, \pmb{y}) \) itself satisfies the reversibility condition

    \[ \begin{align} \pmb{\pi}(\pmb{x}) q(\pmb{x},\pmb{y}) = \pmb{\pi}(\pmb{y}) q(\pmb{y},\pmb{x}) \end{align} \] for all \( \pmb{x}, \pmb{y} \), our search for the Markov chain is over.

  • However, the reversibility condition is not generically satisfied;

    • rather, we might find for some \( \pmb{x},\pmb{y} \) that

    \[ \begin{align} \pmb{\pi}(\pmb{x}) q(\pmb{x},\pmb{y}) > \pmb{\pi}(\pmb{y}) q(\pmb{y},\pmb{x}). \end{align} \]

  • In this case, somewhat loosely, the process moves from \( \pmb{x} \) to \( \pmb{y} \) too often and from \( \pmb{y} \) to \( \pmb{x} \) too infrequently.

Metropolis-Hastings and acceptance rejection

  • One way to correct this is to reduce the number of moves from \( \pmb{x} \) to \( \pmb{y} \) by introducing a probability

    $$\begin{align} \alpha(\pmb{x}, \pmb{y}) < 1 \end{align}$$

  • where we refer to \( \alpha(\pmb{x},\pmb{y}) \) as the probability of move.

  • If the move is not made, the process again returns \( \pmb{x} \) as a value from the target distribution.

  • This is in contrast with the acceptance rejection method, where if a \( \pmb{y} \) is rejected, a new pair \( (\pmb{y}, u) \) is drawn independently of the previous value of \( \pmb{y} \).

  • Thus transitions from \( \pmb{x} \) to \( \pmb{y} \), where \( \pmb{y} \neq \pmb{x} \), are made according to Metropolis-Hastings by

    \[ \begin{align} p_{\mathrm{MH}}(\pmb{x},\pmb{y}):= q(\pmb{x},\pmb{y}) \alpha(\pmb{x},\pmb{y}) \end{align} \] when \( \pmb{x}\neq \pmb{y} \) for some \( \alpha \) yet-to-be-determined.

Metropolis-Hastings and acceptance rejection

  • Consider again the inequality,

    \[ \begin{align} \pmb{\pi}(\pmb{x}) q(\pmb{x},\pmb{y}) > \pmb{\pi}(\pmb{y}) q(\pmb{y},\pmb{x}). \end{align} \]

  • This tells us that a move from \( \pmb{y} \) to \( \pmb{x} \) is not made often enough and we should therefore define \( \pmb{\alpha}(\pmb{y}, \pmb{x}) \) to be as large as possible.

    • since this is a probability, the upper limit is \( \alpha(\pmb{y},\pmb{x})=1 \).
  • The probability of move \( \alpha(\pmb{x}, \pmb{y}) \) is determined by requiring that

    \[ \begin{align} p_{\mathrm{MH}}(\pmb{x}, \pmb{y}) \pmb{\pi}(\pmb{x}) = p_{\mathrm{MH}}(\pmb{y}, \pmb{x}) \pmb{\pi}(\pmb{y}) \end{align} \] i.e., such that it satisfies the reversibility condition.

  • Notice, by substitution, we recover

    \[ \begin{align} \pmb{\pi}(\pmb{x}) q(\pmb{x},\pmb{y})\alpha(\pmb{x},\pmb{y}) = \pmb{\pi}(\pmb{y}) q(\pmb{y},\pmb{x})\alpha(\pmb{y},\pmb{x}), \end{align} \]

    • but we set \( \alpha(\pmb{y},\pmb{x})=1 \) as discussed above.
  • Therefore, we define the appropriate probability of move \( \alpha(\pmb{x},\pmb{y}) \) as

    \[ \begin{align} \alpha(\pmb{x},\pmb{y}) := \frac{\pmb{\pi}(\pmb{y}) q(\pmb{y},\pmb{x})}{\pmb{\pi}(\pmb{x}) q(\pmb{x},\pmb{y})} \end{align} \]

  • If the above inequality is reversed, we may simply reverse the argument.

The Metropolis-Hastings chain

  • The construction of the probabilities of move as before,

    \[ \begin{align} \alpha(\pmb{x},\pmb{y}) := \frac{\pmb{\pi}(\pmb{y}) q(\pmb{y},\pmb{x})}{\pmb{\pi}(\pmb{x}) q(\pmb{x},\pmb{y})} & & \alpha(\pmb{y},\pmb{x}) := 1 \end{align} \] are defined to ensure that \( p_{\mathrm{MH}} \) is reversible with respect to the invariant distribution.

  • This again will ensure that the Metropolis-Hastings chain will converge to the appropriate invariant distribution \( \pmb{\pi}^\ast \) given sufficiently many iterates of the process.

  • Thus, the criterion to ensure reversability becomes

    \[ \begin{align} \alpha(\pmb{x},\pmb{y}) := \begin{cases} \mathrm{min}\left[\frac{\pmb{\pi}(\pmb{y})q(\pmb{y},\pmb{x})}{\pmb{\pi}(\pmb{x})q(\pmb{x},\pmb{y})}, 1 \right] & \text{if}\quad\pmb{\pi}(\pmb{x})q(\pmb{x},\pmb{y}) > 0\\ 1 & \text{else } \end{cases} \end{align} \]

The Metropolis-Hastings chain

  • To complete the definition of the transition kernel for the Metropolis-Hastings chain,

    • we must consider the possible nonzero probability that the process remains at \( \pmb{x} \).
  • As defined previously, we wrote

    \[ \begin{align} r(\pmb{x})=1 - \int p(\pmb{x},\pmb{y}) \mathrm{d}\pmb{y} \end{align} \]

  • Consequently, the transition kernel of the Metropolis-Hastings chain is given as

    \[ \begin{align} \mathcal{P}_{\mathrm{MH}}(\mathrm{d}\pmb{y}| \pmb{x}):= q(\pmb{x},\pmb{y})\alpha(\pmb{x},\pmb{y})\mathrm{d}\pmb{y} + \left[1 - \int q(\pmb{x},\pmb{y})\alpha(\pmb{x},\pmb{y})\mathrm{d}\pmb{y} \right] \pmb{\delta}_{\pmb{x}}(\mathrm{d}\pmb{y}) \end{align} \] by applying our construction to the previous ansatz.

  • By constructing the chain in this way, we guarantee that this converges to the invariant distribution \( \pmb{\pi}^\ast \) after sufficiently many iterates of the chain.

The Metropolis-Hastings candidate generating density

  • We should discuss a few remarks about the last construction:
    1. The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is specified by its candidate-generating density \( q(\pmb{x},\pmb{y}) \) which we have yet to discuss how this is selected.
    2. If a candidate value is rejected, the current value is taken as the next item in the sequence.
    3. The calculation of \( \alpha(\pmb{x}, \pmb{y}) \) does not actually require knowledge of the invariant density \( \pmb{\pi} \) precisely, only up to proportionality.
      • Indeed, if \( \pmb{\pi} \) is known to proportionality, we can evaluate \[ \begin{align} \frac{\pmb{\pi}(\pmb{y})}{\pmb{\pi}(\pmb{x})} \end{align} \] without exact knowledge, canceling the normalizing constants in ratio.
    4. If generating density is symmetric, i.e., \( q(\pmb{x},\pmb{y})=q(\pmb{y},\pmb{x}) \), the probability of move reduces to the above ratio alone.
      • Therefore, if \( \frac{\pmb{\pi}(\pmb{y})}{\pmb{\pi}(\pmb{x})} \geq 1 \) then the chain moves to \( \pmb{y} \);
      • otherwise, it moves with probability of \( \frac{\pmb{\pi}(\pmb{y})}{\pmb{\pi}(\pmb{x})} < 1 \) precisely.

The Metropolis-Hastings candidate generating density

  • From the last statement, we had \( \frac{\pmb{\pi}(\pmb{y})}{\pmb{\pi}(\pmb{x})} \geq 1 \) implies the chain moves to \( \pmb{y} \);or
  • for \( \frac{\pmb{\pi}(\pmb{y})}{\pmb{\pi}(\pmb{x})} < 1 \) the chain moves to \( \pmb{y} \) with precisely this probability.
  • Intuitively, this says that if the jump goes uphill, the selection is automatic, but if the jump is downhill, this selection occurs with non-zero probability.
Uphill jumps.

Courtesy of Chib, S., & Greenberg, E. (1995). Understanding the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. The American Statistician, 49(4), 327-335.

  • For the figure to the right, this says that the jump from \( \pmb{x} \) to \( \pmb{y}_1 \) is automatic.
  • However, the jump from \( \pmb{x} \) to \( \pmb{y}_2 \) is made with the probability \( \frac{\pmb{\pi}(\pmb{y}_2)}{\pmb{\pi}(\pmb{x})} \).
  • This is essentially the original algorithm proposed by Metropolis et al., and forms the basis of other optimization techniques such as simulated annealing.
  • The draws are regarded as a sample from the target density \( \pmb{\pi}(\pmb{x}) \) only after the chain has passed a transient stage.
    • This allows the initial condition generating the process to be ignored in terms of its impact on the subsequent statistics.

The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm

  • Provided we have constructed the Metropolis-Hastings chain according to the above, this is guaranteed to converge to the invariant measure \( \pmb{\pi}^\ast \) under very general regularity conditions:
    1. Irreducibility – if \( \pmb{x} \) and \( \pmb{y} \) are in the domain of \( \pmb{\pi} \), it must be possible to move from \( \pmb{x} \) to \( \pmb{y} \) in a finite number of moves.
    2. Aperiodicity – at any given time, the return time from a state back to itself isn’t given by a fixed integer.
    • Together, these give a mixing property of the system that is similar to ergodicity.
  • These conditions are usually satisfied if \( q(\pmb{x}, \pmb{y}) \) has a positive density on the same support as that of \( \pmb{\pi} \).
  • However, these do not guarantee the rate of convergence, and various diagnostics are used in practice to determine if the chain has reached the invariant distribution.
  • The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is given by the following steps, initializing an arbitrary \( \pmb{x}^0 \) and a burn-in of \( N_{\mathrm{burn}}< N \):
    • Repeat for \( j=1,2,\cdots,N \):
      • Generate \( \pmb{y} \) from \( q(\pmb{x}^j, \cdot ) \) and \( u \sim \mathcal{U}(0,1) \).
      • If \( u < \alpha(\pmb{x}^j, \pmb{y}) \):
        • Set \( \pmb{x}^{j+1} = \pmb{y} \)
      • Else:
        • Set \( \pmb{x}^{j+1} = \pmb{x}^j \)
    • Return \( \{\pmb{x}^{N_{\mathrm{burn}}}, \cdots, \pmb{x}^N\} \).
  • The final aspect then is simply how to specify \( q(\pmb{x},\pmb{y}) \) and how this can be used for data assimilation.

The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm

  • One simple choice for the \( q(\pmb{x},\pmb{y}) \) that is symmetric in \( \pmb{x},\pmb{y} \) is as follows.

  • Suppose that \( \phi \) is the multivariate Gaussian density with mean zero and some selected covariance.

  • We take \( q(\pmb{x},\pmb{y}) = \phi(\pmb{y} - \pmb{x}) \);

    • the candidate \( \pmb{y} \) is thus drawn as \( \pmb{y} = \pmb{x} + \pmb{z} \), where \( \pmb{z} \) is called the increment.
  • Particularly, we take \( \pmb{z}\sim \phi \) so that this simply becomes a random walk with Gaussian noise, used to explore the state space.

  • Therefore, with the symmetric choice above, the probability of move is given by

    \[ \begin{align} \alpha(\pmb{x},\pmb{y}) = \mathrm{min}\left[\frac{\pmb{\pi}(\pmb{y})}{\pmb{\pi}(\pmb{x})},1 \right]. \end{align} \]

  • This fully specifies the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm if we have knowledge of \( \pmb{\pi} \) up to proportionality.

  • The last step is now to identify how this is related to the Bayesian smoothing posteior…

Metropolis-Hastings as data assimilation

  • In particular, recall that recursively applying the Markov assumption and independence assumptions, we can write \[ \begin{align} p(\pmb{x}_{L:0} \vert \pmb{y}_{L:1})& \propto \left[ \prod_{k=1}^L p(\pmb{y}_k \vert \pmb{x}_k ) \right]\left[\prod_{k=1}^{L} p(\pmb{x}_k \vert \pmb{x}_{k-1})\right]p\left(\pmb{x}_0\right) \end{align} \]
  • where in the above the joint posterior is proportional to
    • the product of the likelihoods of the time series data; with
    • the product of the (model state) transition probabilities; with
    • the prior for the initial condition.
  • This was used to frame the traditional 4D optimization cost function for perfect models.
  • However, this above result only requires the general hidden Markov model framework to derive the proportionality, \[ \begin{align} \pmb{x}_k &= \mathcal{M}_k (\pmb{x}_{k-1}) + \pmb{w}_k \\ \pmb{y}_k &= \mathcal{H}_k (\pmb{x}_k) + \pmb{v}_k \end{align} \] with arbitrary error distributions.
  • Therefore, we evaluate \( \pmb{\pi} \) up to proportionality using the right-hand-side, by sampling the prior, evaluating the joint likelihood of the data given the simulation through the hidden Markov model, and thus compute \[ \begin{align} \alpha(\pmb{x},\pmb{y}) = \mathrm{min}\left[\frac{\pmb{\pi}(\pmb{y})}{\pmb{\pi}(\pmb{x})},1 \right]. \end{align} \]
  • Given enough simulation time, we can sample an arbitrary joint posterior, giving an empirical representation.
  • This also obviously extends to joint state-parameter estimation with the extended state formalism.