3D-VAR and the extended Kalman filter


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  • The following topics will be covered in this lecture:
    • 3D-VAR
    • 3D-VAR versus the extended Kalman filter
    • The extended Kalman filter


  • While pure Bayesian techniques such as the particle filter and Metropolis-Hastings are theoretically capable of fully nonlinear / non-Gaussian estimation, i.e., in systems like

    \[ \begin{align} \pmb{x}_k &= \mathcal{M}_k (\pmb{x}_{k-1}) + \pmb{w}_k \\ \pmb{y}_k &= \mathcal{H}_k (\pmb{x}_k) + \pmb{v}_k \end{align} \] with arbitrary error distributions,

    • in practice, for systems of even moderately large dimension, these approaches can become computationally intractable.
  • Particle filters and similar methods are currently an active research area, with a variety of techniques being developed to overcome the curse of dimensionality.

    • Currently, however, this computational barrier has hindered their operational use in large-scale prediction problems.
  • For the rest of the course, we will consider a variety of ways that tools from the linear-Gaussian estimation problem can be adapted for prediction algorithms that can be used at-scale.


  • 3D-VAR and the extended Kalman filter are two closely related approaches for extending the linear-Gaussian intuition to large-scale estimation problems.

  • While 3D-VAR is not widely used currently in large-scale operational prediction problems,

    • and while the extended Kalman filter has only seen limited implementation for large-scale operational prediction,
  • these two approaches are foundational for understanding the challenges and the methods devised for large-scale nonlinear estimation.

  • Likewise, 3D-VAR forms an important component in understanding a variety of modern techniques such as covariance hybridization.

  • For these reasons, we will provide a general, high-level discussion of these methods.


  • Let us recall the form of the penalized, state-space objective function that we derived in least-squares optimization:

    \[ \begin{align} \mathcal{J}_p(\pmb{x}) := \frac{1}{2} \parallel \pmb{x} - \overline{\pmb{x}}\parallel_{\mathbf{B}}^2 + \frac{1}{2} \parallel \pmb{y} - \mathbf{H}\pmb{x}\parallel_{\mathbf{R}_k}^2. \end{align} \]

  • where, like in the Gaussian maximum a posteriori estimation, we estimate an optimal state as a balance between:

    1. the deviation from the background estimate, weighted inverse proportionally to the uncertainty weights \( \mathbf{B} \); and
    2. the deviation from the observed data, weighted inverse proportionally to the uncertainty of the data \( \mathbf{R}_k \).
  • The method of 3D-VAR is to extend this objective function directly to nonlinear dynamics where we may replace \( \mathbf{H} \) with a nonlinear map \( \mathcal{H} \).

  • The objective function therefore becomes

    \[ \begin{align} \mathcal{J}_p(\pmb{x}) := \frac{1}{2} \parallel \pmb{x} - \overline{\pmb{x}}\parallel_{\mathbf{B}}^2 + \frac{1}{2} \parallel \pmb{y} - \mathcal{H}(\pmb{x})\parallel_{\mathbf{R}_k}^2, \end{align} \] which is no longer guaranteed to be globally convex, and therefore must be locally minimized.

  • This can be performed with, e.g., a Gauss-Newton or other quasi-Newton procedures for the minimization;

    • the optimized state estimate \( \hat{\pmb{x}} \) can thus be propagated to find a subsequent forecast.
  • However, in the nonlinear setting, there are a variety of new considerations for how this optimization compares to the “optimal” Bayesian solution.


  • Specifically, the selection and interpretation of the background covariance / weights matrix \( \mathbf{B} \) changes considerably.

    • Likewise, the interpretation of the optimized solution \( \hat{\pmb{x}} \) depends on the background.
  • In 3D-VAR, the typical choice of the background weights \( \mathbf{B} \) is given by taking the covariance matrix for the model state over a long time series of past observations / model simulations.

  • In weather and climate prediction, this is known as the “climatological covariance”, estimated over a long past record of the state variables.

  • This has the benefit that this gives a cost effective analysis, as the background is taken as \( \mathbf{B}_k \equiv \mathbf{B} \) static-in-time.

  • Similarly, the initial guess \( \overline{\pmb{x}} \) is given by the model simulation of the last optimized solution \( \hat{\pmb{x}} \),

    \[ \begin{align} \overline{\pmb{x}} := \mathcal{M}_k \left(\hat{\pmb{x}}\right). \end{align} \]

  • This is understood then to optimize the last forecast solution versus the observed data, where the background is using “static persistence weights”.

  • That is, the static persistence weights do not include the information of the time-evolving covariance, only the long-time static information about the variables.

  • If we suppose that \( \mathbf{B} \) and \( \mathbf{R}_k \) are selected accurately, and the long-time distribution for \( \pmb{x} \) is Gaussian, this can be interpreted as the maximum-a-posteriori estimate from the invariant distribution of the dynamics.

3D-VAR versus the extended Kalman filter

  • The primary benefit of the 3D-VAR approach is its simplicity in the estimation problem.

    • However, this is also the primary weakness, as by not considering the time-varying covariance of the forecast,
    • this lacks information about the time-varying evolution of the state.
  • The extended Kalman filter seeks to rectify this by explicitly constructing a procedure to produce a time-varying background as with the Kalman filter.

  • This is performed by using the tangent-linear model for Gaussian perturbations of the mean state.

The extended Kalman filter

  • In particular, suppose that the equations of motion are generated by a nonlinear function, independent of time for simplicity,

    \[ \begin{align} \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t} \pmb{x} = \pmb{f}(\pmb{x}) & &\pmb{x}_k= \mathcal{M}_k(\pmb{x}_{k-1}):= \int_{t_{k-1}}^{t_k} \pmb{f}(\pmb{x}) \mathrm{d}t + \pmb{x}_{k-1} \end{align} \]

  • We can extend the linear-Gaussian approximation for the forecast density as

    \[ \begin{align} &\pmb{x}_{k-1} := \overline{\pmb{x}}_{k-1} + \pmb{\delta}_{k-1} \sim N(\overline{\pmb{x}}_{k-1}, \mathbf{B}_{k-1})\\ \Leftrightarrow &\pmb{\delta}_{k-1} \sim N(\pmb{0}, \mathbf{B}_{k-1}) \end{align} \]

  • The evolution of the perturbation \( \pmb{\delta} \) can thus be approximated via Taylor's theorem as

    \[ \begin{align} \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t} \pmb{\delta}&:= \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t}\left( \pmb{x} - \overline{\pmb{x}}\right)\\ &=\pmb{f}(\pmb{x}) - \pmb{f}(\overline{\pmb{x}})\\ &=\nabla_{\pmb{x}}\pmb{f}(\overline{\pmb{x}})\pmb{\delta} + \mathcal{O}\left(\parallel \pmb{\delta}\parallel^2\right) \end{align} \] where \( \nabla_{\pmb{x}}\pmb{f}(\overline{\pmb{x}}) \) is the Jacobian equation with dependence on the underlying mean state.

  • In particular, the linear evolution defined by the truncated Taylor expansion

    \[ \begin{align} \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t} \pmb{\delta}:= \nabla_{\pmb{x}}\pmb{f}(\overline{\pmb{x}})\pmb{\delta} \end{align} \] is known as the tangent-linear model.

The extended Kalman filter

  • Making the approximation of the tangent-linear model,

    \[ \begin{align} &\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t} \pmb{x} \approx \pmb{f}(\overline{\pmb{x}}) + \nabla_{\pmb{x}}\pmb{f}(\overline{\pmb{x}})\pmb{\delta}\\ \\ \Rightarrow&\int_{t_{k-1}}^{t_k}\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t}\pmb{x}\mathrm{d}t \approx \int_{t_{k-1}}^{t_k} \pmb{f}(\overline{\pmb{x}}) \mathrm{d}t + \int_{t_{k-1}}^{t_k}\nabla_{\pmb{x}}\pmb{f}(\overline{\pmb{x}})\pmb{\delta}\mathrm{d}t \\ \\ \Rightarrow & \pmb{x}_{k} \approx \mathcal{M}_{k}\left(\overline{\pmb{x}}_{k-1}\right) + \mathbf{M}_k\pmb{\delta}_{k-1} \end{align} \] where \( \mathbf{M}_k \) is the resolvent of the tangent-linear model.

  • Gaussians are closed under affine transformations, approximating the evolution under the tangent-linear model as

    \[ \begin{align} \pmb{x}_{k} \sim N\left(\mathcal{M}_k\left(\overline{\pmb{x}}_{k-1}\right), \mathbf{M}_k \mathbf{B}_{k-1}\mathbf{M}^\top_{k}\right) \end{align} \]

  • Therefore, this provides a means, in principle, to approximate the evolution of the background covariance in time.

The extended Kalman filter

  • The extended Kalman filter can be understood then as turning the 3D-VAR objective function into a time-varying objective function as follows.

  • Let the previous analysis solution be given by approximating the distribution of the model state as

    \[ \begin{align} \pmb{x}_k &\sim N\left(\overline{\pmb{x}}^{\mathrm{filt}}_{k-1} , \mathbf{B}_{k-1}^{\mathrm{filt}}\right). \end{align} \]

  • We approximate the forecast distribution as,

    \[ \begin{align} \pmb{x}_k &\sim N\left( \overline{\pmb{x}}_k^\mathrm{fore}, \mathbf{B}_k^\mathrm{fore} \right),\\ \pmb{x}_k^\mathrm{fore}&:= \mathcal{M}_k\left(\overline{\pmb{x}}_{k-1}^{\mathrm{filt}}\right),\\ \mathbf{B}_k^\mathrm{fore}&:=\mathbf{M}_k \mathbf{B}_{k-1}^{\mathrm{filt}}\mathbf{M}_k^\top. \end{align} \]

  • The resulting extended Kalman filter cost function can thus be written as

    \[ \begin{align} \mathcal{J}_{\mathrm{EKF}}(\pmb{x}) := \frac{1}{2} \parallel \pmb{x} - \overline{\pmb{x}}_k^\mathrm{fore}\parallel_{\mathbf{B}_k^\mathrm{fore}}^2 + \frac{1}{2} \parallel \pmb{y} - \mathcal{H}(\pmb{x})\parallel_{\mathbf{R}_k}^2, \end{align} \] which can similarly be minimized with quasi-Newton methods to find a local minima.

The extended Kalman filter

  • The extended Kalman filter thus gives the improvement over 3D-VAR in that it uses the approximate, time-varying background covariance using the tangent-linear model.

  • However, this comes with the cost of constructing and computing the evolution of a large covariance matrix in the tangent-linear model.

  • For large-scale, nonlinear systems, explicitly constructing such a covariance can be prohibitively expensive.

  • For this reason, one usually needs to make an additional approximation using the square root form of the equation in the weight-space.

    \[ \begin{align} \mathcal{J}_{\mathrm{EKF}}(\pmb{w}) &:= \frac{1}{2} \parallel \overline{\pmb{x}}_k^\mathrm{fore} - \boldsymbol{\Sigma}_{k}^\mathrm{fore} \pmb{w} - \overline{\pmb{x}}_k^\mathrm{fore} \parallel_{\mathbf{B}^\mathrm{fore}}^2 + \frac{1}{2} \parallel \pmb{y} - \mathcal{H}\left(\overline{\pmb{x}}_k^\mathrm{fore} + \boldsymbol{\Sigma}_k^\mathrm{fore}\pmb{w}\right) \parallel_{\mathbf{R}_k}^2\\ &\approx \frac{1}{2}\parallel \pmb{w}\parallel^2 + \frac{1}{2}\parallel \pmb{y} - \mathcal{H}\left(\overline{\pmb{x}}_k^\mathrm{fore}\right) + \mathbf{H}_k \boldsymbol{\Sigma}_k^\mathrm{fore}\pmb{w} \parallel_{\mathbf{R}_k}^2, \end{align} \] where

    • \( \left(\boldsymbol{\Sigma}_k^\mathrm{i}\right)\left(\boldsymbol{\Sigma}_k^\mathrm{i}\right)^\top \approx \mathbf{B}_k^{\mathrm{i}} \) is a reduced rank approximation of the covariance using, e.g., a truncated SVD;
    • \( \mathbf{H}_k:= \nabla_{\pmb{x}} \mathcal{H}_k \) is the Jacobian of the nonlinear observation operator; and
    • the second term above is given by taking the Taylor expansion of the perturbation to the mean state through the observation operator.

The extended Kalman filter

  • Notice that the approximate cost function

    \[ \begin{align} \mathcal{J}_{\mathrm{EKF}}(\pmb{w}) &:=\frac{1}{2}\parallel \pmb{w}\parallel^2 + \frac{1}{2}\parallel \pmb{y} - \mathcal{H}\left(\overline{\pmb{x}}_k^\mathrm{fore}\right) + \mathbf{H}_k \boldsymbol{\Sigma}_k^\mathrm{fore}\pmb{w} \parallel_{\mathbf{R}_k}^2,\\ \end{align} \]
    is actually quadratic in \( \pmb{w} \), as \( \mathcal{H}\left(\overline{\pmb{x}}_k^\mathrm{fore}\right) \) is a constant with respect to the optimization.

  • Therefore, this represents a fully linearized system, performing an approximate Kalman filtering in the space of perturbations.

  • The usual right-transform analysis can be computed from the objective function above so that

    \[ \begin{align} \overline{\pmb{x}}^\mathrm{filt}_k := \overline{\pmb{x}}_k^\mathrm{fore} + \boldsymbol{\Sigma}_k^\mathrm{fore} \overline{\pmb{w}} & & \mathbf{H}_{\mathcal{J}}&:= \nabla_{\pmb{w}}^2 \mathcal{J} & & \mathbf{T}:=\mathbf{H}_{\mathcal{J}}^{-\frac{1}{2}} & & \boldsymbol{\Sigma}_{k}^\mathrm{filt}:= \boldsymbol{\Sigma}_k^\mathrm{fore}\mathbf{T} & & \end{align} \] an entire recursion can be derived as above (and extended to include model error in the evolution of \( \boldsymbol{\Sigma}_k^\mathrm{filt} \)).

The extended Kalman filter

  • The accuracy of the approximation in the extended Kalman filter depends strongly on:

    1. the nonlinearity of the state evolution \( \mathcal{M}_k \) and if this can be well-approximated at first order by the tangent-linear model; and
    2. the nonlinearity of the observation operator \( \mathcal{H} \) and if this can be well-approximated at first order by the Jacobian.
  • For the former, this usually depends on how long the forecast length is in time, where for short forecast horizons this is often adequate.

    • For longer forecast horizons, the evolution of Gaussian perturbations is no longer appropriate, as the forecast begins to converge to the invariant “climatological” statistics.
  • For this reason, one may intuitively consider interpolating between the long-time-average background covariance, and a time dependent covariance in practice for the optimization weights.

    • This is part of the intuition behind covariance hybridization mentioned at the beginning of the lecture,
    • The other consideration is that if \( \boldsymbol{\Sigma}_k^{\mathrm{fore}} \) is of reduced rank, this implies that correction in the optimized solution is restricted to a low-dimensional subspace.
    • If the subspace is too small, this may not be able to correct the growth of errors in the estimate, and interpolating with a static, full-rank background can rectify this sparse correction.