Welcome · Colin Grudzien
Picture of Colin Grudzien


I am a Senior Data Assimilation Research Scientist at the Center for Western Weather and Water Extremes (CW3E) of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego. This is the home for my professional and creative interests. Please see the links in the menu for details about my research and other activities. See news and announcements below.

News and announcements

SIEnKS Published in Geoscientific Model Development

The Single-iteration Ensemble Kalman Smoother (SIEnKS) is now published in Geoscientific Model Development. This work extends traditional methods of ensemble variational data assimilation with a novel approach, optimized for short-range forecast systems. Our prototype technique is shown both to improve the accurracy and to reduce the leading-order cost of ensemble variational smoothing versus traditional 4D approaches. Further studies will follow to extend the prototype to realistic geophysical data assimilation. This prototype development relied on extensive numerical simulation and demonstration with the Julia package DataAssimilationBenchmarks.jl currently in open review in the Journal of Open Source Software.