STAT 445/645 — Fall 2021 · Colin Grudzien

STAT 445/645 — Fall 2021

Three dimensional bell surface of a multivariate Gaussian distribution.

Three dimensional bell surface of a multivariate Gaussian distribution. Courtesy of Wikimedia Commons (CC 3.0)


This is the course archive page for Introduction to Statistical Computing, STAT 445/645 FALL 2021 – Section 1001. Please see the menus below for class resources, handouts, lectures and activities archived from the class.

Course syllabus

Modules, assignments and grades will be posted through Web Campus.

Course information

Please note that there are no required textbooks and the lectures should be watched before class meeting sessions to prepare for activities. For deeper reading, recommended resources are the following:

The archive of lectures, handouts and activities is below according to the semester schedule.

Week Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
08/23 - 08/29 Course introduction
Supplementary Materials:
Introduction to R and R Studio Activity sheets: Supplementary Materials: R as a calculator and data types Activity sheets: Supplementary Materials:
08/30 - 09/05 DataFrames and factors Activity sheets: Supplementary Materials: Subsetting data and vectorization part I Activity sheets: Supplementary Materials: Subsetting data and vectorization part II Activity sheets: Supplementary Materials:
09/06 -
No class 09/06Labor Day Control flow in R Activity sheets: Supplementary Materials: Advanced plotting in R Activity sheets: Supplementary Materials:
09/13 - 09/19 Writing functions in R Activity sheets: Supplementary Materials: Reporting in Knitr and R Markdown Activity sheets: Supplementary Materials: A review of discrete probability and sets in R Activity sheets:
09/20 - 09/26 A review of discrete probability distributions and random variables Activity sheets: Continuous random variables and univariate distributions Activity sheets: Other univariate distributions related to the normal Activity sheets:
09/27 - 10/03 Descriptive statistics in R Activity sheets: Confidence intervals and hypothesis testing part I Activity sheets: Confidence intervals and hypothesis testing part II Activity sheets:
10/04 - 10/10 Confidence intervals and hypothesis testing part III Activity sheets: No new material — Work on Midterm 1 Project No new material — Work on Midterm 1 Project
10/11 - 10/17 No new material — Work on Midterm 1 Project No new material — Work on Midterm 1 Project No new material — Work on Midterm 1 Project
  • Midterm I Project due 11:59 PM 10/17 in Canvas
10/18 - 10/24 Matrix algebra in R part I Activity sheets: Matrix algebra in R part II Activity sheets: Numerical integration in R Part I Activity sheets:
10/25 - 10/31 Numerical integration in R Part II Activity sheets: Numerical differentiation in R Activity sheets: No class 10/29Nevada Day
11/01 - 11/07 Unconstrained optimization in R part I Activity sheets: Unconstrained optimization in R part II Activity sheets: Constrained optimization in R Activity sheets:
11/08 - 11/14 Multivariate distributions in R part I Activity sheets: Multivariate distributions in R part II Activity sheets: Review Day
11/15 - 11/21 No new material — Work on Midterm 2 Project No new material — Work on Midterm 2 Project No new material — Work on Midterm 2 Project
11/22 - 11/28 No new material — Work on Midterm 2 Project No new material — Work on Midterm 2 Project No class 11/26Family Day
Midterm II Project due 11:59 PM 11/24 in Canvas
11/29 - 12/05 An introduction to multiple regression part I Activity sheets: An introduction to multiple regression part II Activity sheets: An introduction to maximum likelihood estimation Activity sheets:
12/06 - 12/10 Review day No class 12/08Prep Day Final project due 12/10 5:00 PM in Canvas